Sannel Larson

Friday, March 15, 2013

Don't Ever Give Up Hope

An update: On Feb.4, 2014, Jami lost her fight to cancer. She passed away on the very same day as the officially "World Cancer Day," a day dedicated to bring awareness of all cancer and letting people know how to prevent the disease. The objective is to bring awareness of the disease that takes far too many lives.

Jami, you'll  remain in my heart forever. It's a comfort in knowing you're no longer suffering. Sending thoughts of peace and courage to Jami's mum, friends and family. 
Jami, I will miss you!
Peace, Prayers and Blessings,

Jami, this is for you. . . . 


Your existence is planted deep in our hearts

nourished by the precious beauty you behold

Your heart is planted deep in our souls

shaped by the warmth of your smiling eyes

Your soul is planted deep in our minds

enriched by the beat of your loving heart

Your mind is planted deep in our thoughts

nurtured by the rare uniqueness that's you

Your thoughts are planted deep in our lives

provisioned by the blessed wonders of you

Your life is planted deep in our prayers

molded by your strong wishes for healing

Your prayers are planted deep in our hopes

strengthened by our God's help from above

Your hope is planted deep in our beliefs

You are worth the work it takes for healing


Don't ever give up hope!


© Copyright 2013 by Sannel Larson. All rights reserved 

There is so much I would like to do, to show how much I care. However, with limited resources it's sometimes difficult. But my strong beliefs in the goodness of human kind combined with my own and others faith and love there is always hope.  ALWAYS! 
I truly believe that. 

Jami Pereira
Jami Pereira has stage four Advanced Adeno carcinoma of both lungs. She has lost her job due to her disease, and has ran out of medical insurance. Jami has lived a life full of hardship and a long streak of pure bad luck. 

As a working woman and a mother of two children, she also cared for her mother battling breast cancer, only to be diagnosed herself, with stage four Advanced Adeno carcinoma, in both lungs. 

The doctors prognosis,  without treatments, Jami may have four to six months, maybe a little more, maybe a little less to live. Jami's only hope is to start treatments, and the treatments needs to start immediately.

This is Jami's own words. . ."I don't know if helping me "live" can make a difference in the "World" But it would give me, and a bunch of others a new outlook , to know that people actually do care. . . " 


I have faith in the goodness of human kind and for their love and compassion. So, I believe through your kind and loving hearts, there is HOPE for Jami to raise the money that's needed for her treatments. 

I have displayed Jami Pereira's books, that can be purchased at Amazon, here on the right. 

If you rather donor money, you can do it here: *****************

If you do not have the resources, please just pray and keep her in your thoughts.  

Thank you and God Bless!

Jami, you are in my thoughts and prayers, 
